This first year our focus is on visual arts because those with studios are easily assembled into a tour. The hope is the numbers and the different types of practices will grow.
Officially, it’s “Art Studios of Carroll and Crawford Counties Iowa” and, loosely defined, is a tour of artist work spaces, or in some cases, just displays of work. The public will pick from a map, and this website, what looks interesting to them, and drive there for a visit.
One day only, Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 10am to 4pm.
Iowa counties of Crawford and Carroll, so from Denison along Highway 30 to Carroll.
Living in rural Iowa, we artists are scattered and isolated. Some of us have our networks, others do not. This is an opportunity for connecting with other artists, exposing our work and processes to the public who might not otherwise know about us, and otherwise shine a light on creativity and add our unique stories to the commentary of why the arts are important. For everyone.
If you are an artist interested in opening your workspace up to the public for this inaugural event, don’t waste any time in reaching out to “The Board” (if you already know any of us you can contact us via your preferred method, otherwise email Lee at and he will get right back to you):
Randy Carrillo – Denison
Haley McAndrews – Denison
Lee Shiney – Arcadia
Does it cost anything?
At least for this first event, no. As artists, we are doing what we do best…creating something from nothing, from sweat and experience.
I’ve never done something like this! Can you help me?
Sure. First, you do you, what you are comfortable with. This can run the gamut of artwork displayed for sales, showing where you work, having actual work in the process of creation, inviting visitors to actually pick up a tool and try something themselves, or showing them an educational video you maybe have created. You get to create the experience yourself.
Beyond that, we will help with some directional signage and a map to your place. Consider having an extra person to greet people and direct them to where you are, if you are not set up where they enter. Refreshments are optional, as are business cards, brochures, etc. of what you do. Just remember that this is your opportunity to really shine a light on what you do.